[Photo: Wendy Carroll, 5th Grade Portrait, Faded B&W]
Wendy S. Carroll.
Birthday. January 22, 1974
Place of birth. Homer Hospital.

My Story

I've lived in Homer all my life. I lived with my family of ten. We lived in a 12 foot trailer with two bedrooms in it. I have two grandma's that live in Homer. I also have 1 aunt, 1 uncle, ant 2 cusons. I like most all sports. My favorit food is pizza. One of my sisters is married and one is in college.I get A's, B's, and C's in school. My teacher is Mrs. Avril, my reding teacher is Mr. Mumy. I like school.

[Image: Wendy Carroll's Page in the 1984-1985 Class Directory, #1] [Image: Wendy Carroll's Page in the 1984-1985 Class Directory, #2]