An index for those who call the South Peninsula home
- Art
- Picture Alaska
- Automotive
- Scruggs Automotive
- Computer Sales & Repair
- CompuMom Computer Services,
Tech Connect,
Super Software
- Construction
- East Road Services
- Electronics
- Specialty Electric
- Health
- Alaska Northern Lights,
The Wellness Center,
Whole Health Center
- Internet Service Providers
- Internet Alaska,
PTI Net,
- Legal
- Steve K. Yoshida P.C.
- News
- Homer News,
Homer Tribune,
- Permit & Boat Brokers
- Alaska Boats & Permits, Inc.,
Alaska Marine Brokers, Inc.
- Real Estate
- Annie Whitney (Coastal Realty),
Bay Realty,
Beachcomber Realty,
Harbor Realty,
- Mark Edwards (Bay Realty),
Wavefront Realty
- Photo, Printing, and Imaging
- Eagle Eye Photo,
Lazer Print
- Web Presence and Marketing
- Alaska Marketing Services,
Discount Web Pages,
Online Services of Homer,
System Solutions
- Travel Agencies
- Aurora Travel,
AST Travel