| Finger
| Mail
advisor | Lorn Absher |  |  |  |
ailee | Amy Clendenen |  |  |  |
ambroker | Alaska Marine Brokers Inc |  |  |  |
anniew | Annie Whitney (of Coastal Realty) |  |  |  |
apcoc | Anchor Point Chamber of Commerce |  |  |  |
artntype | Homer Secretarial (and Type of Distinction) |  |  |  |
bayrealt | Bay Realty |  |  |  |
bear | Coastal Outfitters |  |  |  |
bearpaw | Bearpaw Charters |  |  |  |
biblegum | Life Lines, Inc |  |  |  |
bikerdoc | Harley and Marlboro |  |  |  |
bowen | Webbies |  |  |  |
bramcon | Justin Bacon |  |  |  |
cabin | Cottonwood Cabin |  |  |  |
cjcrafts | C.J. Crafts |  |  |  |
clerk | Homer City Clerk |  |  |  |
daves | Dave Swarthout |  |  |  |
dedge | Direct Edge |  |  |  |
electric | Specialty Electric |  |  |  |
eyedocak | Alaska Optometric Association |  |  |  |
halcyon | Halcyon Heights B&B |  |  |  |
hca | Homer Charter Association |  |  |  |
homer | Homer Chamber of Commerce |  |  |  |
hpl | Homer Public Library |  |  |  |
hvfd | Homer Volunteer Fire Department |  |  |  |
ilc | Independent Living Center |  |  |  |
jjclutts | Anchor River Inn |  |  |  |
joe | Joe Hannigan |  |  |  |
joker | Ryan Migdal |  |  |  |
luke | L&N HTML Pages |  |  |  |
luke | Luke Roberts |  |  |  |
mdw | Mark Weber |  |  |  |
mme | Scruggs Automotive |  |  |  |
nezumi | Anna Doner |  |  |  |
nickf | Nick Fuller |  |  |  |
nlights | Northern Lights |  |  |  |
nohaarp | Earthlight |  |  |  |
northwng | Northwing Aviation Services |  |  |  |
one | Dave Barker Jr |  |  |  |
pencom | Gary Mastolier |  |  |  |
pencom | Midnight Sun Studios |  |  |  |
radeke | Glenn Radeke, Kelly Radeke |  |  |  |
remax | Re/Max of Homer |  |  |  |
resetter | Marian Nakada |  |  |  |
seabear | Sea Bear Charters |  |  |  |
seanile | Sea Nile Charters |  |  |  |
seldovia | Seldovia Chamber of Commerce |  |  |  |
silvfox | Silver Fox Charters |  |  |  |
skphoto | Steve Kaufman |  |  |  |
smokybay | Smoky Bay School |  |  |  |
smokybay | Whole Health Center |  |  |  |
sph | South Peninsula Hospital |  |  |  |
sutton | Violence Awareness Program |  |  |  |
techcon | Tech Connect Inc |  |  |  |
tknorth | Tami Reiser |  |  |  |
travilee | Travis Simcox |  |  |  |
tribune | Homer Tribune |  |  |  |
trumptcp | Trumpet Cups |  |  |  |
viking | Bjorn Hansen |  |  |  |
wildrnes | Kachemak Bay Wilderness Lodge |  |  |  |
wizzards | Pat Shields |  |  |  |