Changes 9/25/99

Print out or write down the contents of this page. Review the instructions to be sure you understand them, and on 9/25/99, execute them. If you need help, feel free to call xyz at 235-0675.

  1. Be sure that your DNS (Domain Name Service) server addresses are set to be automatically assigned to you by our server.

    If and only if you are unable to do as specified above, be sure you have the following information specified.

  2. Change the login name you use when dialing into xyz from your username to your . For example, if your username is foobar, change your login name from foobar to .

  3. If you use newsgroups, in your newsgroup program, remove the news server . Restart your newsgroup program, and add back the news server .

  4. If you FTP to xyz servers, in your FTP or web publishing program, be sure you have the following information specified.

Great job, you're done! Thank you for your cooperation.